4 года

Bury Senses

Автор музыки
Konstantin Khizhko, Steshin Sergey
Автор текста
Konstantin Khizhko
Into The Hell
I know that was not good enough
To be with you and make you happy
Who are you and who am I?
We are too different
This is a test for me

It was worth getting a refusal
And all - the end of a fairy tale
What should I do to be with you?
I have to change, I think
This is a test for me

You like bad guys
You're going crazy - but it's a trap
In which all fall
You are such a creature - you live with emotions
I hate you
After all, real feelings are dying

No one really warms you
After all, this sympathy is false
You choose not me
And I have to bury the senses

It's your style - want money and sex
You are not smart enough to want something else
You never know about real feelings
Now it is very fashionable to be a dummy