17 лет


113 51%
Над треком работали
Corbus Albus
Demo Version

All that you’ve made – my world destruction
You wanna live like a ‘Forest Gump’ action
You try to think that you woke me up
From a miserable dream but I gonna stop
You shut up and please go away
O.K. I leave but you can stay
With you baster now I have nothing to talk
I’m tired of you; you treat like an oak
I wanna run from you run like a hell
Run up to the road as fast as I can
Run to that side where eyes lookin’ to
Thro’ crackles of way what I have to do
I turn over the corner you’re on my way
I turn myself back you are again
Run fast as I could you going slow near
To that side of the earth f*ck you are here
I run I run I have forces no more
I’m crawling you fly over my core
I cry out of pain you just look at my gains
Please go away, I’m shouting again